
Causal Trees

· 10 min

I recently came across an elegant CRDT design that is useful for text collaboration applications that I just had to write about. What follows is an exploration of Causal Trees and an introduction (or refresher) to several important distributed systems concepts.

CRDTs are a family of algorithms and datastructures that provide eventual consistency guarantees by following some simple mathematical properties. As their popularity has increased over the last decade, so too has their usage. CRDTS are commonly found in collaborative applications, where concurrent updates can be frequent, but they’re also used quite extensively in local network and peer-to-peer environments, due to the algorithms not requiring a central authority to reconcile inconsistencies. That last sentence is quite important, because it means that we can get distributed eventual consistency (things eventually converge to a consistent value among nodes) without complicated processes such as consensus. Don’t fret if you’re a fan of central authority though, Figma successfully uses CRDTs server-side to handle the collaborative aspects of their product, as well as Soundcloud and many others.

The CRDT I will be describing today is the Causal Tree (roughly as described by Victor Grishchenko). Which we will look at in the context of a simple text collaboration application. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, have a play with the example below and see if you can get an intuitive sense of how the algorithm operates. Some things to keep an eye out for are the ids associated with each node (on hover), and also what happens when individual characters are deleted.

Example 1

Client 1
Client 2

Each client in the above example has their own local causal tree, the compiled value of which you can see written to their respective text inputs. The implementation we will be discussing is known as a state-based CRDT, or CvRDT, which means that we send the whole tree over the wire to clients instead of just the individual operations as they occur. As a client types, new nodes are added to their tree and sent over to peers who are interested in seeing their updates, when a client receives another client’s tree (which may or may not have new nodes) they merge with their own tree in a way that guarantees a consistent result. One way to think of merge is like a set join, if client 1 has the values {a, b, c} and client 2 has {d}, merging the clients in either order will always result in the same value. But before we go deeper on the merge operation let’s take a step back and see how the tree is structured.

Tree structure

In our toy example above, each node represents an individual character. You may have noticed that each node’s parent is the letter that directly precedes that node (this isn’t always the case). This ordering is one half of the equation that allows us to position nodes consistently. Take for example an alternative structure where each character has an array index position instead.

he¹ l² l³ o

Now imagine that you went on to add an exclamation mark at the end of the string, but concurrently with that operation you merged changes from another client that added the string “Welcome and “ before “hello”. You’re now left with “Welco!me and hello”, which was not your original intention. Now, you _could_ bake in some logic to your application that adjusts your old index to account for the new changes, shifting the index of each character in “hello” by the amount of characters that were inserted, but that’s not the elegant algorithm that I promised. That’s something else known as Operational Transformation (OT) that folks that like to complicate simple things use (Google Docs uses OT heavily).

The much simpler approach taken in causal trees is to simply associate a node with the node preceding it. If we do that, it doesn’t matter if the underlying tree changes, it still preserves our original intention. In essence we’re trading an absolute positioning approach for a relative one.

But how can individual nodes reference each other? If you hover over any of the nodes below you will notice that they have two identifiers, one timestamp and one entity id. A timestamp is a monotonically increasing integer value that gets incremented each time a node is added to a tree. Because wall clocks in distributed systems are unreliable to be used to order operations, we use this method combined with the entity id when necessary to create what’s called a total order of the nodes in our tree. Those familiar with Lamport timestamps will recognise this approach. If a tree is isolated from any other trees and you type a sequence of characters, you will produce a tree similar to a linked list, with each node’s timestamp being 1 higher than its parent. If we get sent another client’s tree that we notice has nodes with higher timestamps we merge those nodes into ours by attaching them to their parents, that will either exist in our tree or be introduced by theirs. We then simply update our local tree’s timestamp to be the max of our current timestamp and the tree’s timestamp that we are merging with. Intuitively, this means that when we start adding nodes after the merge, the id represents how much context, or amount of nodes we have seen before making the decision to add that node, in other words, what ‘caused’ the new node.

Hover over the nodes in the example below and see if you can figure out what the final value will be, based on the ids alone. Click “Reveal” if you get stuck.

Example 2

What's illustrated here is that higher timestamps represent operations that happened with more context, or at a later point in the document's history, and as such they are traversed first when building the final value.

So what did the user type and in what order to create the tree above?

  • They first typed “Causatrees”
  • Realising they misspelled the word they added an "l " after "Causa"

Notice how there are two branches after the 6th node? it makes sense we first traverse the branch with the higher timestamp because it was added after the misspelling had occurred. But there's a few more cases we need to be aware of.


Which brings us to an important topic, tree traversal and sibling trees. To produce the correct final value we need to traverse the tree in depth-first pre-order, but with special cases for sibling branches. Those special cases are:

  • If a node has multiple children (sibling branches) traverse the branches ordered by timestamp descending order. We saw this in the previous example.
  • If branches have the same timestamp, traverse the branch that has the higher entity id first. What you order by here isn’t important but it is critical that we order in a way that is consistent. Ordering by entity id is just an example of that.

I said at the start of the article that causal trees can be used in collaborative, networked environments, which means that it needs to handle concurrent updates, duplicate writes, partitioning between clients and all of the stuff we love to think about when it comes to distributed system design. So how does it do that?

When some tree (a) merges with another tree (b), the merge operation is essentially a diff and patch. What that means is we find all of the nodes from tree ‘a’ that aren’t in ‘b’ and add them to ‘a’. This operation is idempotent, which means we can perform it any number of times and the result will be the same, like inserting a new value to a set. Two other properties that are required for a CvRDT are commutativity and associativity. Commutativity ensures that the order of merging does not affect the final result, for instance, merging tree 'a' with 'b' yields the same result as merging 'b' with 'a'. Associativity allows for grouping merge operations in any order, so combining 'a' with 'b', and then with 'c', gives the same result as merging 'a' with the result of merging 'b' with 'c'. When each tree (or node) in a distributed system observes the same set of changes, even if in different orders, they will eventually converge to the same consistent state due to these properties. Let’s look at an example.

In the example below we have three clients, the first of which has written “I <3” and then gone offline. Concurrently, after receiving the first client’s changes, client 2 and 3 type “ Pears” and “ Apples” respectively. We can see these concurrent changes represented by the sibling trees after the heart. Instead of having both changes interleaved to produce a jumbled concoction of applepear letter-soup, client 1 (and all clients after merging) is left with text that represents both changes. The ids at the sibling branch/fork are the same, which, again, shows what context each client had available to them when they made their change.

Example 3

Client 1
Client 2
Client 3

This demonstration showcases how causal trees can resolve concurrent updates in a consistent manner. Whether you would want to do that instead of showing conflicts to the user for them to resolve themselves is up to the application.


You may have noticed by now that if you delete a node, the value of that node changes to a 🪦. When a node is deleted we need to keep it around for consistency reasons, but the value is ignored when we create the final value from traversing the tree. This is a common technique found in distributed database design and CRDT designs known as tombstoning. I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader to try to understand how consistency would be impacted if we removed the node completely from the tree on deletion.


And that’s a wrap! hopefully you’ve learnt something new about CRDTs! If you’re wondering about real-world implementations you will be happy to know that the ideas we talked about today are integral to the design of such popular general purpose CRDT libraries as Automerge and Yjs.

If you’re curious about tree size implications, optimizations, and things like node garbage collection, then please check the further reading list below, there’s some gems in there I think you will enjoy.

Further reading


Thanks to the folks at React Flow for letting me use a free Pro account to build the interactive demos.